“Mom, Dad: I’m gay.” How does a parent respond to this revelation? Is it possible to love my child without accepting his or her choices? To accept God's teaching without making them feel alienated from the family?
Know that you are not alone. For guidance and support, please send us an e-mail. We will put you in touch with someone who can help you.
In recognition of the irreplaceable role of the family in attaining an understanding of the experience of same-sex attractions and embracing a life of chastity, EnCourage was founded. As an apostolate of Courage, and flowing from its central purpose, EnCourage provides pastoral care to family members and friends of persons who identify as LGBT. Here are the Five Goals of EnCourage:
Discover a wealth of information to help you grow in your faith and understanding of the Church's teaching on human sexuality.
EnCourage Resources